NOVEMBER 26, 2012.



Approval of agenda
Approval of minutes
Treasurer’s report

GSU report

Holiday party
Capital gift

Other business



  • in attendance:  Grace, Isabel, Cassandra, Cam, Myrto, Johanna, Monty, Justin dropped in also.
  • not in attendance: N/A
  • Johanna moves to approve agenda – Isabel seconds – All in favour
  • Cass moves to approve minutes – Johanna seconds – All in favour



Treasurer’s report

  • number’s will not include Brechtfast or the theatre outing
  • Monty:
    • starting numbers at begin of year: $1740.03 – more than last year
    • deposited from DC: $1100
  • Cass: what is this breakdown and what are they earmarked for? We need to know how we’re meant to spend it. i.e. $500 for capital gift, and $500 for FOOT
  • last year we spent $1000 for FOOT
  • Monty: first instalment from head grant: $566.05 – more than last year
  • need to pay back Brechtfast and Opera Atelier
  • Cass bought refreshments and food for “pupnight” – but she says it was too few people? – but those are the normal numbers – budget was agreed ahead of time
  • (Monty: how can we make more people come to pubnights)
  • also, conference grant, due Dec. 5, for FOOT – Cass is already working on that
  • we will get second instalment of head grant (last year $382)
  • Monty: DC also pays more money to FOOT?
    • Cass: yes, specific aspects, and $500 directly from DC. Then DC money ($500) through DCSU to FOOT, and GSU money ($500) through DCSU.
  • There’s a second account – a savings, accessible once a year
  • Last year, FOOT asked for an extra $500 to fund, and we agreed.
  • Grace: We could up the theatre outing. Or capital gift.
  • Cass: the reason we budget $200 for theatre outings, is because our source of income for it is the endowment.
  • Monty:  Proposes to look at our finances and see where we can tighten up and open up funds, as well as how we can pass down a more clear and compartmentalized account to future execs.
  • Cass: we need to check in with GSU about what the rules are. And of course, we need to check in with our student body.
  • Monty: absolutely. We should present this to the student body.
  • Isabel: Maybe we can make a cheat-sheet, short document. Cass: yes, it exists.
  • Isabel: we can create a proposal, and Isabel can take it to the GSU.
  • Cass: Yes, bc they ask for end of year report.
  • Grace: Monty, get the box of documents from Laura. Grace will get in contact with Laura.
  • Monty: why doesn’t the box live at the DC? Cass: bc we don’t have a secure space. Myrto: should we get one? Monty: I would prefer not to have it at home.
  • Cass: idea for capital gift, small safe for the student lounge. Johanna: is that a capital gift? Should that come from the extra money that gets rolled in to the budget? Monty: can it be a filling cabinet with a lock. Grace: it will get voted on at the General Meeting. Johanna: but we don’t have a key to the student lounge. Maybe, Monty should have a copy?
  • Cass: Shouldn’t someone have a key and passcode to the DC every year? E.g. the president?  Isabel: yeah, if we need to come meet, or set up… etc.
  • Cass: Can Grace speak to Stephen?
  • Monty: someone on Paul’s team should also have it.
  • Cass: there could be a card-swipe?
  • Jo: we should actually have offices we can use.
  • Cass: also, Nikki has opened up her old office.
  • Monty: we should at least have keys for the student lounge.
  • Isabel: we should speak to Stephen about the UC office space too. We should at least get coded access. Jo: we should place a lot of pressure to get offices. This is our job.  Isabel: everyone else in grad school has keys to their department. Jo: the seminar room, the kitchen, and student lounge should be open to all of us.
  • Cass: this was the case in the past, but students basically lived here. And people would forget to lock. And access to building isn’t possible. Isabel: but, when the building is open, we should totally be able to use it. And, the living here, will not necessarily happen here. Put a lock on the theatre and stuff. Jo: if we had offices, this wouldn’t be an issue.
  • Cass: Stephen has created the lobby as a working space with the tables in the lobby – if we get offices, it will decentralize the student experience. All: it’s great out there, but it’s not enough, quite. People stay home bc have nowhere to leave their stuff.
  • Monty: the only thing that is preventing us keeping the main doors open is the theatre. All: we need new doors for the theatre.
  • Grace: let’s move on. She will speak to Stephen.
  • Cass: Stephen’s best operating tool is a strongly worded letter. Jo: we should research other programs and see what they offer. Isabel: will do English and History. Cam: will do poli sci. Grace will write the letter. We’re asking for access to the space we have, and also working space. Jo: will look into other universities. Cass: asking for a swipe is better.


GSU report

  • Not much to report. Elected a new executive at large person, who says he will try to specifically look into funding post-funded cohort.
  • Discussed whether an academics and funding committee exists. They’ve been doing work for a year, but they’re not on the standing list of committees. Ad-hoc? No decision.
  • Also civics committee’s mandate – discussion.
  • They are trying to push the issue of fees vs funding post-funding.
  • Grace: Justin might stop by shortly to tell us things about TA stuff.
  • Grace: he would like to propose a meeting for people in the union. We don’t get funding from union for having a steward until we had for a year – so we would have to buy own food.
  • Let’s organize communication of important things, re: surveys and stuff, by email, emergency meetings, and visiting the classes.
  • Isabel: all are also invited to attend these meetings. Anyone who is there can speak and influence the decision.
  • Jo: Isabel can type up a short summary so we can communicate it.


Holiday Party

  • date/time: Dec. 5, 6:30
  • we should be here at 4:30.
  • Cass is making the turkey. Cass: just turkey? or turkey and stuffing? Sure! She should get a cab to bring.
  • Isabel: potatoes.
  • Cass: have we booked the bar? Grace: She will confirm.
  • Cass: should we have some non-alc bevs? Because the bar overcharges us for it.  Jo: not a lot. Grace: will bring.
  • Cass: needs to be captain music. Isabel! check out rehearsal room for speakers etc.
  • Cass: might ask Stephen to be Santa.
  • Jo: accessories – cran sauce, buns. We also check if we have enough plates, cutleries, cups, etc.
  • Cam: veggies.
  • Myrto: deserts.
  • Isabel: make a facebook event.
  • Cass: no theatre.
  • Cass: baby DCers. Can Stephen give out little gifts?
  • Isabel: how is the movie thing set up for the kids in the seminar room? We should ask on of the parents. Grace will email the parents. Jo: we can set up the room.
  • Let’s talk it up!! Grace will make a poster.


Capital gift

  • Stephen sent email to Grace: 1 dozen mats are $155.88.
  • Cass motions this is good for last year’s capital gift. Grace seconds. All in favour.
  • Myrto: gym mats? Maybe for this year?
  • Jury’s out on the booth laptop. Apparently they were supposed to get a desktop for the booth. We need it for sound software.
  • Monty: It actually should not be a laptop! Jo: or two desktops to use for both spaces, bc it will cost same as buying one (properly good) laptop.
  • Suggestions for this year’s: a safe? gym mats? storage for books? Email accessible printer?
  • We should fix the current printer first. What about the printers? Nothing has happened.


Other Business

  • Justin with Union related things:
    • unit 4 is on strike, only 44 people, part-time employees committed elsewhere too. They’re providing lunch for anyone who pickets with them.
    • there was just a meeting for unit 1. we almost went on strike last yr. some people are trying to make it happen – i.e. proposing we should always strike. we should all start paying attention, otherwise, only very extreme voices are heard.
    • department level CUPE orientation – no funding available yet, we need to have a steward for at least a full year. it would be $100/yr. We should have a CUPE orientation. esp. grievance process, bargaining, funds for various things (e.g. health savings account, student parents, etc.) – most people don’t know.
    • Can we tie this to an event in January? – Tie to the AGM. – We should have some food…
    • Justin requests that we organize this.
    • Cass moves we support the meeting for $50 for food. Isabel seconds. All in favor.
    • Can we have a Tuesday or Thursday for the meeting?
  • Cass: undergrads.
    • they have a new student union. cass spoke to them. a union and a paid admin group.
    • to facilitate – we should send an ex officio to them, and vice versa (no voting, just chat and hear)
    • social and theatre activities together:  they suggested a recurring student-organized show across the department. kinda like foot structurally. proposed the year before, artistic director, etc.
    • Cass can write a proposal to the theatres committees
    • Grace: Yes, bc lately more interest in smaller shows. Cass: no, actually, we mean a larger show to include both grads and undergraduate. Jo: is the summer a problem? Isabel: will there really be interest at the grad level?  Myrto/Grace: that’s why might be better a whole bunch of small pieces (like the salon). Isabel: maybe there can be a choice/flexibility as to which of the two is pitched each year?



Myrto moves to adjourn. Grace seconds. All in favour.