All News from the DCSU…
SEPTEMBER 27, 2012
Approval of agenda
Approval of minutes
GSU report
Treasurer’s report
Union business
Other business
- in attendance: Grace, Isabel, Myrto, Monty, Cam
- not in attendance: Cassandra, Johanna
- Grace moves to approve agenda – Isabel seconds – all in favour
- Grace moves to move approval of minutes to our next meeting – Cam seconds – all in favour
- Grace needs to settle dates of events with Lou – she believes holiday party set for Dec 4 (Tuesday)
- we need to send email to DC to suggest theatre outing – better to be something more expensive – and we should all talk to people about it too
- Bruce has suggested a Theatre Gargantua show – Myrto will forward it to all
- Grace needs to also talk to Lou about first Brechtfast dates – mid-October, usually after an MA class
- we also need to talk about pun-name for it
- re: theatre outing, we looked at some theatre online
- possibilities: Arsonists, and the Marksman
- no decision for now – move on
GSU report
- Isabel reports:
- someone will be looking into a bylaw that’s not clear
- a funding committee – should they be elected or appointed? It was left as is.
- Isabel has to go to 4 out of 6 meetings in order to get money.
- We all filled in the form with our information. Given to Monty to complete. It needs to be returned to Isabel so that she can get it to GSU by the 28th of October.
Treasurer’s report
- Transfer of the accounts has not occurred yet, so we need to get that underway with Laura.
Union Business
- Justin is our official union steward
- re: his question at the GA – Grace got a response from Stephen – Grace will also forward us Justin’s response to Stephen
- Justin was satisfied with Stephen’s answer – it quells the worry that these peer assistant positions will take away TA positions
- these positions get paid much less than TA positions and a bit more than workstudy
- Stephen is new to this, but promised he will keep an eye out for it
Other business
- Myrto brought up question of using rehearsal space of UCDP. Isabel: maybe we should send Stephen an email about new rehearsal spaces?
- Monty: perhaps we can ask for black drapes for rehearsal room as capital gift. Grace cautions we shouldn’t spend that money on things the DC should pay for… So, perhaps we should approach Stephen about getting this done.
- Myrto: what about printer in student lounge? Grace: it’s just not hooked up. Emergency jar system for change for new ink. We should do that!
- Grace moves that Monty will set up. Isabel seconds. All in favour.
- Isabel: we should send an email to let people know.
Grace moves to adjourn. Myrto seconds. All in favour.